EL | 1100 | 2500 | 2100WQ | 379 | 3115 | 5104 |
STAT 3115Q sec 02
UConn Storrs Campus, BOUS 160
MON WED 10:00-11:30
Eric Lundquist
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BOUS 136
Office Hours: Mon 4:00-5:00, Tue 5:00-6:00, and by appointment
Phone: (860) 486-4084
Sarah Sanborn
BOUS 192
Office Hours: Mon 1:00-2:00, and by appointment
E-mail: sarah.sanborn@uconn.edu
Login George
BOUS 192
Office Hours: Tue 11:30-12:30, and by appointment
E-mail: Login.George@uconn.edu
30% | assigned weekly | ||
35% | MONDAY DECEMBER 10, 10:00 AM |
Experimental Design |
KW Ch. 1
[basic issues and terminology]
PowerPoint slides on some introductory terminology and issues in experimental design. Summary of Techniques in the General Linear model in HTML format, Microsoft Word format, and PDF format. |
Categorical data and Chi-Square |
Howell Ch.6 [excellent presentation of Chi-Square and related topics]
Excel spreadsheet to calculate a 2x2 chi square test of independence [including examples from the point of view of a dog and a medical researcher] |
Data Description |
KW Ch. 2 pp. 15-18, 24-25; Ch. 3 pp. 32-34; Ch. 7 pp. 144-145
[histogram, scatterplot; central tendency, dispersion, standardization; normality, skewness and kurtosis]
The t-test and confidence intervals |
Howell Ch.7
[excellent treatment of the logic of the t-test, applied to the cases of a single sample mean, two related sample means, and two independent sample means; relation of t to z; confidence intervals described accurately on pp. 181-183]
KW Ch. 3 pp. 34-36, Ch. 8 pp. 159-161 and see my Notes on Confidence Intervals [references to Keith (2006) can be ignored, and the interpretation of confidence intervals for the regression coefficient "b" is the same as for the more familiar population mean "μ"] |
Null Hypothesis Significance Testing |
Howell Ch.4
[excellent and up-to-date treatment of the logic and controversies of hypothesis testing, possibly more accessible than Cohen's (1994) paper]
KW Ch. 2 pp. 18-22; Ch. 3 pp. 46-48; Ch. 8 pp. 167-169 Cohen (1994) [criticism of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing] Wilkinson and APA Task Force (1999) [recommendations for treatment of data in light of NHST controversy] For your curiosity and your future as a researcher, but not for your exam: Howell Ch. 5 Excerpt on Bayes's Theorem [provides a brief accurate description of Bayes's Theorem] Dienes (2011) [makes the case that Bayes's Theorem is what most people really believe is appropriate and want to use when analyzing data; link requires logging in with UConn NetID and password, then you should just download the pdf for convenience] Cohen (1990) [general advice about treatment of data] Cowles & Davis (1982) [historical roots of the "p<.05" significance level] Gigerenzer (1993) [examination of the NHST controversy by contrasting the incompatible original views of Fisher and Neyman & Pearson with the unsatisfying hybrid of their views that became the dominant method of data analysis] |
Between Subjects (Completely Randomized) Designs: One Factor |
KW Ch. 2 & 3, Ch. 8 pp. 161-162
Logic Of ANOVA summary |
Effect Size and Power |
KW Ch. 8 pp. 163-167 (but not "Effect Sizes for Contrasts")
Book Review of The Cult Of Statistical Significance from the journal Science from June 2008. This one-page article focuses on one consequence of the misplaced emphasis psychology places on null hypothesis significance testing, which is the neglect of effect size and of effect measurements. |
Assumptions of ANOVA (and t-tests): The Linear Model |
KW Ch. 7
MIDTERM REVIEW interim summary
Some sample midterms from previous years' courses [Note: 1) STAT 3115 was formerly called STAT 242; 2) some of these pages are out of order; 3) topics have been covered in a different order so many of these questions are not relevant to our exam, which should be apparent] |
Correlation |
KW Ch. 15 pp. 312-314
r = covxy / (sx*sy), where covxy = SPxy / (N-1), and SPxy = Σ(X-Mx)(Y-My) Note this point from the list of links below: Correlation article in Wikipedia: whether or not the math explained here is of interest (correlations as cosines, etc.), the two images depicting sets of scatterplots are very important to understand. One of the diagrams on this page shows some scatterplots and the correlation coefficients calculated from them, just to give you an idea of what typical correlations might look like, but also of how unpredictable they might be if you don't look at your data in a scatterplot. This point is made even more obvious by this diagram further down the same page, which shows some very different sets of data that all give the exact same value for the correlation coefficient r (as well as for some other descriptive statistics). |
Analytical Comparisons Among Means (Single-df Contrasts) |
KW Ch. 4 sec. 4.1 - 4.5
Analytic Contrasts summary |
Controlling Type I Errors in Multiple Comparisons (Planned and Post-hoc) |
KW Ch. 6
Trend Analysis |
KW Ch. 4 sec. 4.6 - 4.7; Ch. 5
Between-Subjects (Completely Randomized) Designs: Two Factors |
KW Ch. 10 & 11
Two Factor Design: Interactions and Main Effects: this summary describes how to recognize when main effects and interactions are present in the two-way factorial design, both in terms of plots of means and in terms of tables of means. Keppel's ANOVA notation system (PDF): This is a handy summary of how to compute Degrees of Freedom for any Source of Variance. Keppel and Wickens (2004) use an ANOVA notation system that provides a simple way to compute Sums Of Squares: by converting Sources of Variance into Degrees of Freedom, and then into a combination of "bracketed" quantities, where the brackets indicate some further adding and dividing. But since no one in their right mind computes Sums Of Squares by hand, the only remaining useful part of this page is step 1 describing how to get Degrees of Freedom. That is quite useful though. Here's a Microsoft Word version in case it's convenient for any reason. |
Analyzing Interactions |
KW Ch. 12 & 13
KW Ch. 14 pp. 303-307, 309-310: Nonorthogonality of the Effects, 14.3 Averaging of Groups and Individuals, and 14.5 Sensitivity to Assumptions (14.4 "Contrasts and Other Analytical Analyses" is optional, being a little heavy on notation for things you wouldn't really do by hand). |
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) |
KW Ch. 15 pp. 311-312 [Aside from the analogy to post-hoc blocking (see pp. 231-232), this chapter will be largely skipped in favor of a regression-based treatment of ANCOVA in the spring semester (STAT 5105).]
Three Factors and Higher Order Factorial Designs: Between-Subjects Designs |
KW Ch. 21 & 22
Recognizing Higher Order Interactions From Graphs And Means Tables |
Repeated Measures (Within-Subjects) Designs: One Factor |
KW Ch. 16 & 17
REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA notes: this summary is a companion to the "Logic of ANOVA Summary" above; it outlines the logic of the Sums Of Squares calculations that we will not concern outselves with in this class, though it may be useful to look at if you're confused about the concept behind such a calculation -- i.e., how the Within Groups Sums of Squares from the independent groups ANOVA is further partitioned into the part due to individual differences among the subjects and the part that is truly just experimental error. In Keppel and Wickens terms, that experimental error is identified as the interaction between factor A and the subject, thus the "AS" term, whereas here it's simply referred to as "error". The "S" term is referred to as the "Between Subjects" factor. The number of treatment conditions in the Between Groups factor A is called "k" here instead of our familiar "a". Expected Mean Squares (PDF): this topic isn't specific to any particular design, so it's being introduced at an arbitrary late point in the semester even though implicitly it was already introduced with the description of the F ratio for the single factor ANOVA; here's a Microsoft Word version in case it's convenient for any reason. |
Repeated Measures (Within-Subjects) Designs: Two Factors |
KW Ch. 18
Mixed Designs: One Between, One Repeated Factor |
KW Ch. 19 & 20
Finding Sources of Variance (PDF): once you're dealing with combinations of different numbers of between and within factors, it's good to have a general scheme for identifying what the sources of variance are in a given design; here's a Microsoft Word version in case it's convenient for any reason. |
Three Factors and Higher Order Factorial Designs: Repeated Measures and Mixed Designs |
KW Ch. 23
Random and Nested Factors |
KW Ch. 24 & 25 but read mainly pp. 530-534
Some sample final exams from previous years' courses
[Note: 1) STAT 3115 was formerly called STAT 242; 2) some questions address topics we haven't covered, or have covered less thoroughly than these exams assume; you'll be able to determine which questions you can answer, and then use those for practice.] Some questions from previous years' STAT 3115 midterms are relevant to the final exam material listed above (e.g. contrasts, post-hoc testing, etc.); see in particular: 2004#3, 2003#1(a-d), 2002#3, 2001#2&3&4(b, if you consider factorial designs), 2000#2(b&c)&3 |
The Secretary Problem, or how to choose a spouse. In case you're interested in the underlying math or something, apart from the illustration of how mathematical assumptions determine the applicability of models.
Odds and Probabilities: a primer on definitions, interpretations, and calculations]
Exponents and logarithms a primer on some basic mathematics that comes up in statistical contexts such as: logarithmic data transformations; loglinear models of categorical data with multiple IV's; the log(odds) transformation in logistic regression; the log likelihood (or "deviance" or "-2LL") in model comparison analyses like Structural Equation Modeling.
Reliability is described adequately here in Wikipedia, as are several types of validity -- among them Internal, External, Construct, and Statistical Conclusion validity. See especially the respective threats to each, for aspects of research designs to pay special attention to.
A diagram of a "quincunx", sometimes called a "Galton Board" after its inventor Francis Galton, which models the way multiple causation results in a normal distribution. It's a wooden board with pins inserted into it, and when a ball is dropped into the top it will bounce randomly either right or left at each pin it encounters. Most of the balls will bounce about an equal number of times in both directions, canceling out the left and right directions and landing in the middle. By chance, some of them will bounce to the left or the right more times, landing further from the middle. The end result is the accumulation of balls forming a normal distribution, which shows the decreasing likelihood of extreme patterns of bouncing (or of multiple causes all pushing the outcome in the same direction). Here's a video that shows a quincunx in action, where something more sand-like than ball-like is poured through the opening.
The opening scene of Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard, in which an unlikely extended run of coin flips gives rise to some existential angst. Note that even though each coin flip is perfectly in line with the "laws" of probability, we still don't quite believe this run of events should occur. (The play is a modern comedic take on two minor characters from Shakespeare's Hamlet who are unwittingly involved in a plot to kill Hamlet; this 1966 update focuses on their misadventures before their own eventual deaths.)
An illustration of the three types of kurtosis which I've also incorporated into an informative web page about everyone's favorite monotreme
Deriving the estimate of the standard error of the mean: something you don't need to be able to do at all but may be curious about, and if you are, it's explained clearly in section 10.17 of this text by Glass and Hopkins.
Why the sample variance has a denominator of N-1 instead of N:
a proof that dividing the sample sum of squares by N-1 instead of N gives an unbiased estimate (i.e. accurate in the long-run average) of the population variance. This is purely for the mathematically inclined -- others should steer clear. (Believe it or not, I've seen other proofs that are more complicated and thus probably more thorough.)
The "expectation" operator notated as E(X) means roughly the long-run average of X or the mean of all X's in the population, but note that doesn't necessarily indicate a mean of some score -- X could be a variance for instance, and then E(X) would be the population value of that variance, as it is in this proof. If that helps clear anything up.
Here is an alternative proof from a book on mathematical statistics. Other pages from the same book follow but are unrelated to this topic.
Confidence Intervals in Howell ch. 7 pp. 181-183
Notes on the meaning and interpretation of Confidence Intervals:
Howell's discussion is very good, so the somewhat lengthy little essay that I've included here is more than I intended to write; still, it may be helpful to hear it expressed in more than one way.
Bayes's Theorem article in Wikipedia: I'm pretty sure it's legitimate to phrase the theorem this way: The probability of A being true given that B is true is equal to the probability that B actually does occur due to A, divided by the probability that B actually does occur due to any possible reason it might occur -- that is, that B occurs at all under any circumstances. This denominator is sometimes expressed as the sum of two other probabilities: that B occurs due to A, and that B occurs due to every reason other than A, which do in fact account for all occurrences of B since "A and not-A" pretty much covers every possible reason for B. You can substitute the observations of interest into this formula: A = a hypothesis being true, and B = data bearing on that hypothesis. Examples listed on this link are pretty illuminating, if you follow them closely. The trick with Bayesian statistics is coming up with those probabilities that are the ingredients in the formula, e.g., of B occurring due to any possible reason -- it's educated guesswork at best (which can be pretty good after all).
Bayes's Theorem excerpt from Howell ch. 5: a very good basic treatment.
Understanding ANOVA Visually: a fun bit of Flash animation; related teaching tools are listed at http://www.psych.utah.edu/learn/statsampler.html
Statistical Power Applet: a visual demonstration of the relations among the various quantities related to power.
G*Power Home Page: free software for power calculations.
Correlation article in Wikipedia: whether or not the math explained here is of interest (correlations as cosines, etc.), the two images depicting sets of scatterplots are very important to understand. One of the diagrams on this page shows some scatterplots and the correlation coefficients calculated from them, just to give you an idea of what typical correlations might look like, but also of how unpredictable they might be if you don't look at your data in a scatterplot. This point is made even more obvious by this diagram further down the same page, which shows some very different sets of data that all give the exact same value for the correlation coefficient r (as well as for some other descriptive statistics).
Keppel's ANOVA notation system (PDF)
Keppel's ANOVA notation system (Microsoft Word)
This is a handy summary of how to compute Degrees of Freedom for any Source of Variance. Keppel and Wickens (2004) use an ANOVA notation system that provides a simple way to compute Sums Of Squares: by converting Sources of Variance into Degrees of Freedom, and then into a combination of "bracketed" quantities, where the brackets indicate some further adding and dividing. But since no one in their right mind computes Sums Of Squares by hand, the only remaining useful part of this page is the part describing how to get Degrees of Freedom. That is quite useful though.
Recognizing Higher Order Interactions From Graphs And Means Tables
Finding Sources of Variance (PDF)
Finding Sources of Variance (Microsoft Word)
Expected Mean Squares (PDF)
Expected Mean Squares (Microsoft Word)